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Saskatoon Cockroach ExterminatorThere are about 4600 species of cockroach we know, about 30 cockroach species are associated with human habitats. Here we will discuss some of the native species that are present in North America and we deal with them in our day to day life.
Saskatoon Cockroach Control
Some of other cockroach species that are common.
- Brown Banded cockroach
- Smoky Brown cockroach
- Brown cockroach
- Surinam cockroach

A Guide to Identifying Common Types of Cockroach Species

German Cockroach
From tan to almost black in color, about 1.1 to 1.6 centimeter long. It is the most common cockroach species in Calgary AB, breed in great numbers. They prefer darker area in kitchen and keep shelter near food and moisture. It’s possible that they carries disease organisms that can cause allergic reaction for humans. It may glide when disturb but they barely fly. It is the most widely troublesome domestic pest.

American cockroach
It is the largest species of the Cockroach they are native to Middle East and Africa introduced in America around 17th century as a result of human migration. They are widely spread in North America. They are also known as water bug, ship cockroach, or Bombay Canary. Most of the time they live in moist area but also survive in dry areas if they have access to water.

Australian cockroach
You can call them tropical Cockroaches they prefers hot and humid condition like greenhouses and in commercial buildings like restaurant they primarily feed on plant materials. Usually their length is about 23 to 35 centimeter they are totally Brown and have yellow streaks near the wing base, it is small in appearance. Originally from Africa but they are common in Southern United states and in tropical areas .

Orieantal Cockroach
You can call it a water bug or black beetle they are large species of cockroach there are about 18 to 29 millimeter adults and females are about 20 to 27 millimeter. Females are different in appearance from the male. Common indoor pest they are found mostly in drains, damp basements, sewers pipes. Most of the time you will find them trapped in bathtubs and sinks because they cannot climb smooth surfaces. Mostly found in in Southern Midwest and Northwest parts of North America.
Cockroach life cycle:Life cycle consisting of three distinct stages egg nymph and adult.
With the help of specialized case called ootheca female produces about 40 eggs at a time. It look like a kidney Bean they are carried by mother or she placed it in a protected area until hatching.
To reach their adulthood nymph shed their skin multiple Times this process called molting.
Before getting larger, dark in color, and hardening they are soft bodied and white in color. Depending on environment condition and the food source they can reach adulthood within weeks.

Our Happy Clients
Malik of Prairie Pest Control helped us in our rented property and I have no hesitation giving him a full five stars! I was super impressed with the knowledge and customer service Prairie Pest Control provided us. PPC was able to …More
Husan was kind enough to answer all my questions over the phone. he explained every step of bedbug treatment to me and listened to my concerns and solved our bedbug problem within just two treatments.
Excellent service! Malik showed up the same day I called him for the first of 2 bedbug treatments. I won’t hesitate to call him again if needed.
Firstly we will call to confirm your request Within one or two hours, then we ‘ll schedule an inspection or treatment within two business days. In the other words you can get the treatment done within 3 business days.
We offer customized pest solution based on the level of infestation, Duration and location of the address.
We offered free pest inspection to our customers! During the inspection if we find pest infestation at your property. We ‘ll offer the best possible pest elimination program to you, if we do the treatment then we will waive the inspection fee.
If you are out of our service area you can put in a request to serve your area by contacting us.
Proudly serving these areas,
Saskatoon Pest Control, Martensville Pest Control, Warman Pest Control, Dalmeny Pest Control, Radisson Pest Control, Prince Albert Pest Control, Rosthern Pest Control, North Battleford Pest Control, Kindersley Pest Control, Rosetown pest control, Humboldt Pest Control, Bigger Pest control.